The Secret Ingredient: Raw Honey

At Wonder Nut, our peanut butter isn't just your average spread – it's a delicious masterpiece made with love and a sprinkle of magic. What's our secret? Raw Honey, straight from the bees! With each jar, you'll taste the sweet goodness of nature, no artificial stuff here. Dive into a jar and experience pure bliss with every spoonful!

Our Happy Customers

يعطيكم الصحة بنينة❤️

Khalil Frigui

Indispensable ! Impossible de s'en passer, surtout avec du chocolat

Eya Ba.

Yummiest spread😋 Magic Crunchy Peanut Chocolate

Sarah J.

ماعادش باش نشري زبدة الكاكاوية كان من عندكم wondernut❤️❤️❤️

Moueid Jlassi

Bourjoulia Beurre de cacahuete ALAMIA 5 stars for me


Ya3tikom esa7a BNIINA barcha and feels HEALTHY!!

Med Sousse

mella peanut thank you very much berrasmi bnina w healthy💪

Jihed A

Un must have de sportif


Produit au top car aucun conservateur ! Ce côté 100% cacahuètes en fait un produit de premier choix pour l'apport de bonnes matières grasses et autres nutriments.

Nermine Abidi

Jarrabt bel Amande bnina ema toufa fisa3 😋

Zied Ben Ali

как это вкусно!!


Discover the Nutritional Powerhouses Behind Our Peanut Butters

Peanuts: Packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats for long-lasting energy and a happy heart.

Almonds: Loaded with vitamin E and good-for-you fats to keep your skin glowing and your cholesterol in check.

Sesame Seeds: Nutritional dynamos full of calcium, iron, and zinc to keep your bones strong and your immune system on point.

Chia Seeds: Tiny but mighty, these guys are bursting with omega-3s, antioxidants, and fiber to keep you feeling full and your blood sugar stable.

Honey: Our sweet secret weapon, loaded with antioxidants and enzymes for a natural energy boost without the sugar rush.

Cacao: Indulgent 72% cacao chocolate for a delicious flavor explosion, plus a hit of antioxidants and mood-boosting goodness.